Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Wiki
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Imagine a place of wonder, where magick and technology hold equal sway, and an adventurer might just as easily wield a flintlock pistol as a flaming sword. Arcanum is the world where Tolkienesque realms of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and halflings are in the midst of an industrial revolution reminiscent of 19th century Europe.

Getting Started The World Magick Technology Races Skills Characters Custom Roleplay Mods & Patches
Getting Started The World Magick Technology Races Skills Characters Custom Roleplay Mods & Patches
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This wiki contains a wide variety of content from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. New information is being added daily or weekly, and we invite you to help make the wiki the fastest and most reliable source of information about the world of Arcanum available. Tutorials, Sandboxes, and Visual Tools can help new editors get started right off.

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Arcanum is the first game to come from the development house Troika Games, LLC, started by former Fallout team members Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, and Jason Anderson. This team takes the depth of gameplay and world-building in role-playing games to entirely new levels of realism and excitement.

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